About the Journal

ByLye Gody  is an electronic peer-reviewed journal presenting the results of Multidisciplinary Science,  Humanities and Social Sciences , Health Sciences , Economic-Financial, and Management ,  Published since 2006.


The mission of the journal is to publish original articles, reviews, and reviews on the history of Russia and Europe during the reign of the Imperial House of Romanov, in 1613–1917, as well as to raise the level of scientific research and develop international scientific cooperation within the framework of this topic.

The purpose of the journal is to form a new view of European history and the place of Russia in it, based on modern scientific approaches and the widest possible range of available historical sources, understanding the events, phenomena, and processes of the past in the context of social, intellectual, economic, demographic and military history. A significant place is given to the development of various aspects of the foreign and domestic policy of the Imperial House, as well as the influence of the dynasty on European states, social and ethnic-confessional relations, welfare, and physical and moral health of the population. The editorial board welcomes interdisciplinary research and academic controversy on the pages of the journal, considering it as a platform for the presentation of various points of view, worldview concepts,

The editorial policy of the journal is aimed at the active use and popularization of advanced domestic and foreign experience in the study of Russian and Eastern European history, familiarizing specialists and all interested readers with it, and increasing the publication activity of researchers. The decision to publish an article is made on the basis of the opinions of leading scientists involved as reviewers and experts on its significance, scientific novelty, originality, and relevance.

The editorial ethics of the journal is based on ethical principles supported by the community of publishers of scientific periodicals, on the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding copyright, and on the recommendations developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Indexed in: 

Web of Science (USA), 

Scopus (Netherlands), 

ERIH PLUS (Norway),

Directory of Open Access Journals  (UK), 

Scientific Electronic Library  (Russian Federation), 

Open Academic Journals Index (USA)


Our journal is in the public domain. This means that all content is available free of charge to users. Open access means that users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or find the full text of journal articles from a link without prior permission from the publisher and author.



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